It's very easy to install WC2FB Plugin on Woo Commerce store. These are the steps to install WC2FB Plugin. You may follow these steps:
- Login to your WooCommerce store admin and go to the Plugins.
Click on “Add New” under Plugin.
- Click on “Upload Plugin” button.
- Then click on “Choose File” button. Choose you just downloaded from
- Click on “Install Now” button.
- Click on "Activate Plugin" button to active your plugin.
- if WooCommerce plugin is installed then this massage will be shown on your screen.
- Your plugin is activated and shown on the screen.
- if not then this massage will be shown on your screen.
- Back to Login with valid credentials.
- Now follow the steps of “How do I get an API key for my Facebook fan page” to ingrate your API key.
If you are getting any problem please do not hesitate to submit a ticket or you can send an email on